I am a self taught photographer, situated in Highfields just outside of Toowoomba. Life for me is about my family, helping others when I can, my photography and my Mini. I love nothing more than to put my camera gear in my beautiful British racing green Mini and go exploring the world around me. The Darling Downs provides a beautiful backdrop for some of my work.
It seems I have always had a camera in my hand. I take photos of sport, architecture, landscape, people (sometimes), travel and abstract ‘things’. My camera is my ‘paint brush’.
Recently I have ventured into impressionistic photography, multiple exposure work done in camera and using the Intentional Camera Movement (ICM) technique. Impressionism allows me to explore the light, colour, mood and shape when taking an image rather than concentrating on the technical side of photography. Of course the technical side needs to be mastered before moving into this creative genre.
I see life through the viewfinder – even when I don’t have one in front of me. My photography is a means of self-expression – it allows me to show my interpretation of the world around me. Exploring colour, light and shape in abstract form helps to draw people in so that they have a chance to see beauty and tranquillity of nature in my images. When people view my work, I invite them to wander into the image to find the story and ‘feel’ what I am conveying.
To improve and enhance my unique style I have completed TAFE courses, workshops and attended photographic tours.
The biggest influences in my photographic journey are painters like Albert Namatjira, Sydney Nolan, Pro Hart and my Great Aunts.
I have explored the works of impressionistic artists like Claude Monet, Edgar Degas and Pierre-Auguste Renoir, who have influenced my move into abstract and impressionism using intentional camera movement (ICM) and multiple exposure to achieve this look.
Photographers Adam Pretty, Michael Kenna, Graham Burstow, Chris Friel, Deborah Sheedy, Ellen Jantzen, Ernest Hass, Franco Fontana and Freeman Patterson have provided inspiration for me to keep trying new techniques and producing work of excellence.